
Enervalis (Belgium): Enervalis is an SME founded with the mission to build the operating system of the future energy network to provide mass-market energy services that enable high adoption of green energy. To support this mission, a big-data cloud-based middleware platform has been developed which can run various services in a light and robust agent based sub-framework.
Applications currently available are Smart EV charging, Smart Buildings and Smart Microgrids. They all offer different services in different maturity levels like minimising the energy costs by means of trading on the wholesale market, capacity constraints management, maximal (green self-consumption).
Enervalis has an extensive list of patents in the SmartGrids field and a wide portfolio of multinational partners such as KIC InnoEnergy, Elia and ABB.
Role in the Project: Enervalis is the technical coordinator of the project and will provide the middle ware to host the DRIvE optimisation logic. Enervalis will perform the integration of all the DRIvE components and ensure interoperability. As technical coordinator, Enervalis will play an important role in workpackages 2, 3 and 4 where the requirements, specifications and the design of the DRIvE components will take form. We have the lead in WP6 for the integration of the components, and we also have an important role in WP7 validation.
Website: www.enervalis.com