For this 6th General Assembly meeting, the Consortium had planned an intense discussion + a joint meeting of the External Advisory Board of DRIvE + a Clustering Workshop with sister projects. Nevertheless, COVID19 pandemic hit the world and we’ve had to re-schedule some dissemination activities. In the end the DRIvE Consortium meeting was held virtually.
During this GA the partners discussed the plan for the last six months of work within DRIvE, in order to achieve satisfactory the objectives of the project.

Despite the world crisis we are currently living, DRIvE Consortium is happy to announce that the project will end on time. We have conducted a risk analysis with the appropriate mitigation measures, and fortunately we have been able to carry on the work without unsurpassable difficulties.
We are currently in month 30th of the project, meaning we only have 6 more months until DRIvE finishes. Stay tuned for updates about the project’s results and about DRIvE’s final event in November 2020.