On June 2019 DRIvE had 3 events in one: Consortium meeting + External Advisory Board meeting + clustering workshop. All of this was allocated within the Conference Sustainable Places 2019 in Cagliari, Italy.
June 4th was the 18 month Consortium meeting. We are at the half of the project life and progressing according to schedule. This point in time also represents major changes in DRIvE, since the coordination has changed to R2M Solution, a new partner has been incorporated to the project (i.LECO) and a new pilot has been added: Woerden District in the Netherlands; this new pilot will allow us to perform validation tests in residential buildings.
Next day was the meeting of the Consortium with the External Advisory Board (EAB) of DRIvE. This body is conformed by experts in different areas who guide the Consortium on the best strategies to maximize the impact of the project. Three members of the EAB were present at the meeting: Olivier Ducarme (Engie), Tracey Crosbie (Teeside University) and Federico Noris (IREC).

DRIvE also organized a workshop at the conference Sustainable Places: “Distributed Schemes: Innovative solutions for smart-grids”. This clustering workshop of low TRL Smart Grids and Storage projects, focused on distributed schemes such as MAS, blockchain, P2P, among others. In the workshop participated the projects: DRIvE, SHAR-Q, DELTA and FHP. You can read a summary of the workshop on this paper.