On December 4th and 5th took place the Consortium meeting of DRIvE, marking the 2nd year of the project. The meeting was hosted by Enervalis in Houthalen-Helchteren, Belgium.

The first day was dedicated to do a recap of the status of the work performed in the different work packages, while the second day was used to have interesting technical discussions.
The partners also had the opportunity to visit the lab of Enervalis where the simulators (developed by Typhoon HIL) are located. These simulators are used to perform the emulation of the pilot sites of the project.

2020 is the last year of the project, and the activities of DRIvE will be focused on the integration of the system and on the validation activities. We also foresee to participate in several clustering activities and dissemination events, sharing the results of DRIvE.
The next Consortium meeting will take place in June in Aix-les-Bains, France allocated within the Conference Sustainable Places 2020.