Consortium Meeting + Workshop at Sustainable Places 2018

DRIvE’s second Consortium Meeting took place at INES, in France, the days 26th and 27th June, 2018, colocated with the Conference Sustainable Places 2018. The first day was the Technical Meeting and the second day the General Assembly Meeting.

The first 6 months of the project have been of intense work, therefore there was much to discuss in this meeting. The topics discussed during the technical meeting were: DRIvE architecture and technological components; security and integration with DRIvE architecture; blockchain based smart settlement mechanisms; DRIvE validation plan; discussion about the equipment, simulations and deployment.

The GA meeting focused in the work per work package performed during this first period and the management of the work to develop during the next 6 months, leading to fruitful discussions and clarifying important points.

DRIvE Consortium in Helios building

Then, on 28th June, DRIvE organized a workshop within the Conference Sustainable Places titled “Putting Residential Flexibility Management into action with pilot sites in Europe: Feedback from Mas2tering, Beest and DRIvE European Projects”. This workshop received the CNDP label as an event of the Public Debate on the Multi-annual Energy Program.

The workshop started with presentations on the objectives, technologies and results of the projects Beest, Mas2tering and its future developments in DRIvE. Then, an open debate took place, generating interesting discussions about the future of the energy in France and in Europe, comparing different kinds of generation and highlighting the importance of Demand Response Flexibility.

Debate during the Flexibility Workshop

These were three days of intense but meaningful work. Next meeting will be hosted by Typhoon HIL in Serbia.

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